Saturday 1 May 2010

Accessories Un-neccessories.

The song is a tad annoying but Iv been messing around with some colourful wool recently and and Chanels' 09 collection has been very relevent.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Friday 13 November 2009

Every things shit but I feel good.

Luckily I met a nice person a short time ago, we've decided it would be beneficial not to spend any money for a month, I'll have shit all to do so expect more photos. IMGOINGBLOGCRAZY.
Then at the end i'll have enough money to buy this baby.

Saturday 10 October 2009

BenniBack. BenniBack. BenniBack.

Completely un-aware of the drama that awaits us in Bennicasim, lost tents, lost minds, stolen money, hurricane ball bag, missed flights, fights, time EVER!

Wednesday 19 August 2009


Could someone please put this site to use, i can see allsorts of shoots here. DO IT!


Iv wanted a skull related ring for a long time, but never as badly as now! Look at this baby!

Wednesday 6 May 2009

mo' trips, mo' whips, mo' money.

Due to bordom iv been drawing magazine models. Which is equally boring so i intend on exaggerating them and adding crazy colours. Bring on the fiinger paints!